About Jon-David
Jon-David is social media pioneer and an artist residing in the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina. Author of the novels, Mafia Hairdresser and The Glow Stick Gods in The Mafia Hairdresser Chronicles. He is currently writing the third book in this series which is also available in a hit fiction comedy podcast!
Entrepreneur & Comedy
At the ripe age of 24 Jon-David opened his first salon in Long Beach California and then moved on to Chicago and Toronto where he became a Second City graduate for writing as well as an Acting Studio Chicago attendee with multiple acting and writing credits to his name.
A social media pioneer!
As a Social Media Pioneer, Jon-David penned over 14 books on social media for the salon and spa industry and became an internationally known salon and spa consultant.
This artist has just released his first non-fiction tell-all podcast called, How I Killed My Mother.
Scroll down for past achievments & associations.
Jon-David starred in the first EVER reality TV series, “The Tourist Trap.”
Student and Guest Appearance Instructor

Customer Service Expert on Podcasts

Around Chicago Live Contributor

Girls Night Out Host Committee

Popular Radio, Podcast and TV Show Guest

Founder of #SalonSpaChat

Online Beauty Expert & Host

Top Puplic Speaker
Currently Udemy Instructor: "Goal Visualization" CLICK

Guest on Multiple Social Media Podcasts

Popular Guest Appearances on TV and Radio

Guest Beauty Instructor Chicago

Go Red For Women Co-Host
Social Media Pioneer

Guest Social Media Expert at Conferences

Jon-David was a Mommy Blogger!

Founder of Social Media Speaker's Bureau

Jon-David starred in a TV Pilot “The Judy Show”
J-D as, Judy, starred in more productions
than J-D as an actor!

Jon-David wrote, directed and produced “Success In Numbers,” an original Play. It ran, sold out, for 9 week in Chicago. He sold the screenplay version.

The Campy Comedy Crime Podcast
Season 1 is the knarly 80’s Hollywood you’ll be able to experience through Jessy, the ger-rich-quick celebrity hairdresser who ends up becoming the Mafia Hairdresser.
26 Original Fiction Podcast Episodes + Bonus Episodes
Season 2 follows Jessy to Chicago as he follows the best DJ’s around the world, falls in love, and ends up witnessing the rave circuit boy scene.
26 Original Fiction Podcast Episodes + Bonus Episodes
The lates non-fiction podcast from Mafia Hairdresser: Short Stories about the Mafia Hairdresser fantastical life including tell-all about his celebrity friends, his “Karen” hair clients, living through the violence in Chicago and the true short stories behind Mafia Hairdresser and The Glow Stick Gods. Oh yes, and how he killed his mother.
Special True Crime Episodes
The newly renovated The Boca Raton resort, spa & salon is owned by The Northview Hotel Group. At first I was thrilled to work there until I retired. But the company I worked for lied to me and all the staff. I went broke, lost my health insurance, my health, and my home as well as my financial security. Listen to how the stupid decisions of one company can ruin people’s lives.
5 True Crime Episodes